4th Annual CFCR Dinner

I started my journey with CFCR, Saskatoon’s Community Radio Station, in March 2011. I was 20 years old and in that classic searching for identity era. I loved music and my older cousin was looking for a new cohost. The stars had aligned and I found a new identifier: Radio Host.

Now, I have been hosting Thrice Removed, every Sunday night since then! I am on my fourth co-host, and he will be my last. His name is Brian Gibbons and he is my husband! 

When Brian came on he didn’t want to go my usual fundraising route of posting a couple of times on social media and then donating the suggested quota myself, so he came up with the idea of the fundraising dinner! 

Every year Brian’s friends volunteer to help cook and serve the dinner and our friends at Odla donate the space!

This year was french inspired! And we raised $1100!

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