2023 Monthly Self Portrait Challenge: January

This year I really want to do a monthly self portrait photoshoot. I want to work on my confidence in front of the camera, try out some new creative ideas, and create something I love. When I first decided to do this, I made a spread sheet of the different concepts and techniques I wanted to try.

January’s concept was a “Best Friends in New York” photoshoot. But then New York came and went without a friend photoshoot. It just didn’t happen naturally! and suddenly I was arriving back in Saskatoon at 2:30 am on January 31st! The last day of the month! And I hadn’t done my self portrait yet!

So after sleeping off the fun I had in New York, and the hours I spent on delayed flights, I grabbed my tripod. My light had all but left, and I really needed to wash my hair so instead of “Best Friends in New York”, I did “Fake candid photo with cat”.

Mowgli is my 11 year old cat. She has been with me for her whole life and I love her so much! and we rarely get photos together because she is so hard to photograph.

I am not in love with the results. But here we are. One month down. One self portrait finished.

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